Sebastian Artz

Sebastian Artz Director / Photographer

Sebastian is a film maker and Photographer living in Venice LA. He’s well known for his portraits of Hollywood celebrities such as Kevin Bacon, Dave Grohl and Sasha Grey which have graced the front of magazines such as Rolling Stone amongst others. Never seen without a camera in his hand, Sebastian is a creative that is always creating. Artz first came to LA after a college exchange with UCLA’s film school and fell in love with it then. A few years later he was back and working as Marcus Nispel’s assistant. His artistry and craftmanship of imagery is bewitching. Romantic and alluring his ability to merge his photography and film together brings a unique quality that works brilliantly for specific scripts and stories. Sebastian is a gentleman. Dedicated to his craft, his dedication seeps into every project he works on. Its always a pleasure to be on set with him.