B2B Video Production Company in Los Angeles
As time goes on, more and more people start to realise the importance of B2B marketing in the form of video, and in this day and age it can be one of the best ways to for your company to discover brand new business opportunities. To visualise the rise of video marketing, all you need to do is take a look at the statistics – the number of B2B videos posted annually by companies increases every year, a clear indication that brands are beginning to discover the value of video over traditional text formats.
B2B marketers have begun to delve into the world of B2B video production for a number of reasons – firstly, videos are typically easier to engage with than text, meaning your viewers can more easily digest the information given to them.
Video is also a significantly more flexible form of telling a story and displaying information, as you can do so through a number of visual and narrative means. For instance, animation is often used to graphically display data in a manner that is comprehensive and easier to follow.
Not only does a video format make B2B marketing more digestible, but it also allows you to form a connection with the viewer – people tend to prefer to do business with other people, and it’s easier to be reminded of the humans behind the brand when you are seeing them on your screen rather than reading through a wall of text.
And, if none of this is convincing enough, then maybe the fact that 59% of B2B decision-makers favour video format over text will sway you – it’s hard to argue with the cold, hard data, after all!
So, if you’ve been thoroughly convinced that B2B video production is the way to go to expose your brand to other businesses, then all you need to do now is get started!